90min Webinar, 8 October, 4:00 EST

Embodying Masculinity

The Somatics of Male Puberty & Trauma

Discover how lack of somatic guidance during male puberty can be traumatic, shaping men’s relationships, health, identity, and sense of purpose.

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The unspoken struggle

Male puberty, driven by surges of testosterone and sexual energy, marks a critical and often overwhelming transition for young men. Learning to navigate this transformation requires guidance, without it, men can feel lost, disconnected, and misunderstood.

For thousands of years, cultures used rites of passage to guide boys into manhood—teaching them how to inhabit their maturing bodies, manage their sexual energy, and find purpose in their strength. Today those rites are missing, instead of guidance, many boys are left with pornography and competition. What should be a time for discovering connection and brotherhood becomes a breeding ground for shame and emotional shutdown.

Because of this, many men carry deep wounds from their pubescent years that still affect how they relate to themselves and others today.

Somatic practices offer a path to reconnect with the body, explore the wounds that remain from puberty, and begin to heal.

Testosterone, Isolation, and Shame

This is how testosterone-driven puberty often turns into a traumatic experience in the modern world.

  • Testosterone surges block tender emotions like sadness and vulnerability while amplifying aggression and sex drive. Without healthy outlets, these emotions become repressed or displaced, leading to confusion and anger.

  • Many young men turn to pornography to navigate sexual development which leads to dissociative-auto-regulation during pleasure. Numbing emotionally, while stimulating physically. Over time, this creates a pattern of isolation and disconnection from the body.

  • Lack of brotherhood: Modern cultural norms discourage platonic intimacy between men. Instead of brotherhood and connection, many men experience non-bonding competition, which deepens their sense of emotional isolation.

  • Cultural shame: Society’s “toxic masculinity” narrative adds another layer of shame, leaving men feeling confused about their identity and purpose. This only compounds the trauma of puberty without proper support.

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What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

  • A deep dive into how unsupported male puberty can lead to developmental trauma and how somatic practices can support the healing process.

  • The testosterone-adrenaline connection: explore how it can hinder emotional development and how to balance these forces to access more emotional depth and self-compassion

  • Channeling sexual energy: Learn how to transform sexual energy into a source of creativity and vitality, rather than experiencing it as frustration or something to be released.

  • Pornography’s impact on intimacy: How the increase in sex drive combined with porn can make pleasure dissociative and isolating.

  • Practical steps to begin the shift from patterns of dissociation to a more embodied experience of intimacy and connection with yourself and others.

  • Why many men turn to sex or porn as a quick relief from stress or loneliness — and how somatic practices can help the transition to healthier ways of regulating.

  • Learn how somatics can help you move beyond rigid gender roles and embrace a more authentic experience of masculinity.

  • Breaking free from cultural norms: How to overcome the barriers that keep men from experiencing nourishing platonic intimacy and emotional connection with other men.

About Luis, Not Your Common Man

My men’s program, and any work I do about men, is very unique for a few reasons. I focus a lot on puberty as a developmental trauma because my puberty was so confusing and traumatic.

I’m an intersex man, which mean I was born with female and male biological sex characteristics. I have male genitalia but I was also born with breasts and estrogen dominance which caused me to have a female & male puberty.

The first few years of puberty included growing breasts and hips, feeling more like a girl, and not being able to put on muscle or burn fat easily. The later years were more male-like, but my breasts and hips remained.

I experienced the pain of misogyny as I was brutally harassed, bullied, and violated due to my female characteristics.

I also experienced the pain of misandry because I hated men and, being mostly male, I hated myself.

I’ve come to find how somatics is this amazing way to gain access to the dormant seeds that remain untended to from our pubescent years.

Watching men father and support these parts within themselves has been such an immense privilege and an incredible way for me to heal from my own male trauma.

This Webinar Is For You If…

  • You’re a man who remembers the pain and confusion of growing up. You’re ready to explore the somatic roots of those struggles—and how they shape your life.

  • You want to better understand the men in your life, whether as a partner, mother, or practitioner.

  • You don’t resonate with the mainstream narratives around toxic masculinity, and you’re looking for understanding.

  • You’re a trans woman or non-binary person born biologically male and you’re looking for a better connection with your body as you transition or dis-identify with gender and sex.

  • You want to explore the experience of masculinity and male puberty through a non-political, somatic lens.

  • You’re a therapist looking to gain insight into the challenges faced by male clients or clients born male with gender dysphoria or body dysmorphia.

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$25, $35 for a limited time
Everyone gets a recording

Let’s Explore This Together

This webinar is for everyone—men, women, non-binary, and trans individuals—who are curious about the somatic experience of masculinity.

Join us for an in-depth conversation about what it means to hold the nuances of masculinity in a new way, free from political labels and grounded in compassion.

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$25, $35 for a limited time
Everyone gets a recording