6 Months of Professional Mentorship to Become
An Embodied Practitioner
Learn to work in a way that nourishes you by honoring your body’s capacity in every aspect of what you do.
From showing up and being seen, to pricing, marketing, managing your workload, setting goals, building a team, and more.
This group will be offered again in 2026.

Whether you
consider yourself…
a business owner, therapist, coach, creator, or entrepreneur, you absolutely can:
Let your body be nourished by your business, instead of weighed down and controlled by it.
Ethically market in a way that feels awesome, and no longer fawn with your audience, clients, or customers.
Learn how to let your business and work life grow or shrink based on your capacity.
Everyone who joins us for this intimate mentorship will practice within a container of 6 slow months full of dedicated support.

Do what you love without getting burnt out.
No matter what you do, your body is the place you work from. It’s your first home in the morning and your last home at night. It’s tension, is yours. Its fatigue is yours. Its boundary violations, are yours.
(Its joy, safety, and capacity for expansion - also yours).
This is why when someone shares their business desires with me - I always ask, can your body handle and support your desire if it came true?
If you’re like me, you seek having your own business or working in a creative field for the freedom it brings. Yet, we often chain ourselves down with our over-couplings and unconscious trauma responses — and those become the foundation of our businesses.
We end up recreating the culture of “hustle” we grew up in without even meaning to.
My slow mentorship group will help you shift all of that.
I’ll teach you how to transform the business you already have, or prepare for the one you’re planning.
And we’ll do it through the body.

This is why I built this mentorship:
Let’s go back to the beginning, decades ago.
I was working in a health food store, pulling 12-hour shifts at minimum wage. My body was always teetering on the edge of extreme exhaustion and burnout.
I was doing exactly what I do now, but for free ( in between stacking shelves ) and my body was overwhelmed.
While my workload was extreme, I’m grateful for what those years taught me AND I so clearly see how learning to work differently - to work from my body - allowed me to build the business I have today - one that actually nourishes the life I lead.
I learned how to create a foundation for my business that feels good to my body, and I went from a busy private practice to an international trauma education company in under 2 years without burning out.
But I learned how to apply somatics to my business after… the migraines, the burnout, the overwhelming debt, and bad boundaries with my clients.
This is all to say:
I understand many of the struggles you’re up against.

I went from crying weekly from overwhelm about my business to being able to run my business clear headed and connected to my body after experiencing Luis’s Embodied Practitioner program.
For years I ran on adrenaline and stress and I brought that framework into my business as well. The program showed me ways to run my business from a body-focused perspective- in a way that nourishes my nervous system and respects my capacity as it moves and changes. I’d recommend this program to anyone to is looking to make healthy, practical and sustainable shifts in their business.
— Kallie Klug, Somatic Practitioner

I made it here because I listened to my capacity first.
Now, I work less than I did in private practice. I’ve learned how to make decisions from my body so I don’t burn out, offer what feels authentic, and have room to actually embody what I teach.
After over 10 years in private practice as a nutritionist & somatic therapist specializing in trauma, I have lived the experience of running an embodied business. Now I want to deepen my exploration with you.

Join myself and my co-teacher Camille Leak as we navigate:
How to not fawn with your audience & clients
Tending to your capacity for being visible & seen
Somatic-informed & ethical marketing
Preventing burnout through self-attunement
You'll be sharing this space with different practitioners and business owners from all over the world. This is part class, part mentorship, and part community experience.
What’s Included
6 months of dedicated group support
2 monthly sessions with Luis & Camille
Access to our private, online Circle community.
Weekly video exercises and somatic prompts.
2 optional peer-led meetings on our off-weeks
...and so much more.

There’s a big difference between:
Your Desire, and your Capacity
Ask Yourself
How much am I enjoying what I do? How does my body feel at the end of each day?
Am I afraid of how my life might change if I valued how I felt in my body, over what I do or earn?
Do I feel nurtured and inspired by my work, or am I getting burnt out by it?
Does a part of me believe that if I slow down and prioritize my well-being, something terrible will happen?
Here’s why these questions matter:
In business, we often get stuck doing our work from a place of fear that actually keeps us from growth, peace, and opportunity.
When you start building your business from your capacity instead of your desires — you develop a clarity and creativity that simply can’t come when your working from overwhelm.
You may want to make six or seven figures, but do you have the capacity to sustain what it takes to achieve that?
Getting to know the somatic landscape of your work life will help you be nourished by the work you do, rather than depleted by it.
In turn, more natural, sustainable growth can emerge.

This is for professionals who wish to move beyond fear-based business models

What you’ll learn month by month:
Month 1:
Capacity First:
Building a Business That Nourishes
Instead of driving your business mostly from desire, this month teaches you to attune to your body’s capacity. Learn how to structure your work based on what your body can handle to prevent burnout.
By listening to your body’s limits, your business can evolve and thrive in alignment with your capacity. When you listen to capacity, the shape and structure of your business is constantly changing and updating based on your biological needs, seasons, and real life.
Month 2:
Settled in Service:
Building Honest Client Connections
Fawning with our customers, clients, and audience is common. If you're used to reflexive people-pleasing with those in your life you'll undoubtedly carry this habit into your practice and business.
You'll agree to things you don't want to, schedule people during personal time, over deliver and exhaust yourself, and, most importantly, create an audience and work culture where people expect you to meet their needs before your own.
Focusing too much on outcomes is no good for me. I respect a goal and think they're useful, but with my work, the real medicine is in the relating. Most people seeking a session, a product, or support are really looking for connection. We as practitioners have the privilege to show them what it's like to co-regulate, to connect with a settled body to another. In that co-regulation comes so much instinct, intuition, and needs. The client's own truth emerges and the journey together can then follow that truth. How settled our bodies are in the relating is the primary focus for me. From there, you'll see shifts and changes with your clients.
Month 3:
Visibility with Clarity:
Sharing Your Gifts
Being seen is a big one for business owners. We're essentially telling people the story of our work which is often super abstract, relational, and needs to be understood more than just cognitively.
Even when you make a product. The communication of your service and your product is the story that attracts them to experience what it is you offer. It's the experience that keeps them coming back and telling other people. It's important to learn how to get comfortable condensing your big, beautiful, other-wordly gifts and offerings into basic, distilled sentences so you can clearly communicate what it is you do, what you love about what you do, and giving the potential customer/client and easier time digesting your work.
We're also playing with being visible here. Clearly communicating what you offer and what you love about what you offer means letting people see you. It's important to explore what our blocks are around being seen so we can relate to those parts and not let them run the show when we're communicating our services to people. This month will clarify all of this for you.
Month 4:
Marketing Makes a Comeback: Trauma-Informed Selling
Marketing - YUCK! That was my association with it! What's yours? Notice if you soften and open up or if your body collapses and is filled with dread.
The good news is: marketing is simply communicating your service.
Trauma-informed and ethical marketing is being aware of what story we're telling. Are we empowering people? Are we making them feel desperate for our work? Are we pretending to be sold out when we're not to create urgency?
I'll teach you how to do honest marketing that attracts people to you from a place of enoughness rather than from fear, overwhelm, and desperation to fix themselves. Trust me, you DON'T want that demographic to build your business with.
We'll also learn what your capacity is for marketing. (You don't have to do it like other people.) Your body will show you what you like to do and after that, you won't avoid it anymore - and perhaps even enjoy it.
Month 5:
Capacity-Led Growth:
Expanding or Shrinking With Peace
This month, we normalize the ebb and flow of business. Whether your capacity leads to shrinking or growing your practice, you’ll explore how to make business decisions that align with your body’s needs
—whether that means earning less or finding the capacity for more.
Listening to your capacity for your business might mean working less. It might mean less clients. It might even mean less outreach. This is what makes my program highly unique: I'm not trying to make you grow or make more money because that does not equate a happier, healthier person or body.
We will do practices around how to hold the reality that your capacity is telling you to shrink your business. How to grieve less money or attention. How to find safety in less so your body and mind can be much happier.
On the other hand, some of you will find that you have the capacity for a lot more - especially by this month once you've done so much work around uncoupling, clearly communicating your work, and learning how to work based on your capacity. We'll explore what growth means, what it feels like, and what support your body requires to grow your business.
Overall, I like to normalize seasons in a person's career and business. There will be moments of growth, moments of maintenance, and moments of shrinking. I'm currently in a maintenance phase after many years of growth where I'm doing less in 2025 but focusing more deeply on what I'm doing and having free time to enjoy life and work on projects I've been wanting to play with on the side.
The best thing is that WE get to decide this based on our capacity. The business doesn't have to run us.
Month 6:
Re-defining Success:
Aligning with your Body’s Needs
Finally, this last month is dedicated to bring somatic practices and techniques to your actual work.
Whether you're an employer, a therapist, or an influencer. I'll teach you direct strategies to be more embodied during the work day so you don't lose your body and dissociate. The more grounded you are in your own self and support, the more you can offer people.
When these 6 months are over, you'll all be invited into my exclusive community membership where you can continue to learn somatic techniques, practice in community, and get 1:1 support M-F from Camille and our team.

A little bit about the co-teacher
Camille Leak
I adore supporting the Embodied Practitioner Group because I have come to learn that supporting myself financially and making money in a way that is aligned with my values and capacity are not mutually exclusive.
For many years, I lived and worked from the assumption that the only way I could provide for myself and my family was to constantly allow for boundary violations and be in a perpetual state of burnout. Similarly, I had to follow the "best practices" of everyone else because they knew best and if I didn't, I would end up homeless.
However, with somatic exploration, I have come to learn what it means to uncover my best practices and established ways to have my work ebb-and-flow along with my capacity.
I worked in corporate America for 15 years. There are many things I learned during that time that I apply to my business now. And there are many things I do differently because they don't serve me or my business. And even though there are ways I navigate my business that many would perceive as "wrong," I have been able to financially support myself and my family in a way that breeds space, energy, and flow for the last three years.

Freedom and pleasure…. in business?
Yes please.
What kind of work life is best for your body? Let’s find out together.
When you allow your body to partner with you, the peace you set out to find in the first place, becomes possible.

This group will be offered again in 2026. (Dates are subject to change)
This group is not for …
-Practitioners who need a certificate since this process is for personal enrichment.
-Practitioners with zero background in somatics or trauma.
-Practitioners solely focused on business growth or financials as this is more about experiencing and relating to your work in a different way. Though financial successes might happen, that’s not the intention of this space. This space is to learn how to embody your work and, from there, see how your business shifts.
All sales are final, no refunds.
We strongly recommend having taken the foundational self-led HLN course or 7-week course, but it is not required.
We will have a maximum of 200 participants in the group.
Yes! Each meeting is recorded and everyone has access to replays.
You can always reach out to us with questions at info@holisticlifenavigation.com and we will get back to you.