The 4-Week Foundations Course

Learn to Metabolize Stress and Trauma

Through somatic practices, trauma-focused nutrition, and embodied parts work, this self-led course guides you toward inner safety and trust in your body’s ability to adapt and heal.

$97 $147 until Nov 4th

Answer Your Body’s Call For Support

Your body is a repository of deep wisdom, but we live in a relentless, fast-paced world that constantly drowns out its voice.

From a young age, many of us were conditioned to ignore, suppress, or even fear the signals it sends.

If you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, chronic illness, addiction, insomnia, or overwhelm—your body is asking for attention.

It needs more support.

Unlock Your Body's Capacity for Healing

Just as your body knows how to digest food without you having to work on it, it also knows how to metabolize trauma, process emotions, and release tension.

This course will show you how to listen to your body’s signals and nourish its natural ability to heal.

Your body can restore balance and return to a state of ease with the right tools and support.

Healing Is Not The End Goal

This course is not just about healing, it’s about tending to and expanding your capacity to feel safety amongst all of it — the messy, the joyful, and the traumatic.

Inside you’ll experience the foundational tools to navigate the ruptures, stressful events, and challenges that come with being human.

You’ll receive resources to return to connection with this present moment, no matter what is happening inside of you or around you.


Practicing with Luis' guidance felt like a huge exhale after a lifetime of holding my breath.

I've gone through lots of shifts personally and professionally these past 2 years while working with different coaches and practitioners. Throughout this time, I've felt that what I learned from Luis has been truly foundational and timeless.


— Cleodia Martinez

You’ll Begin Learning To:

  • Become aware of your bodily sensations, so you can begin relating to them instead of repressing or reacting automatically.

  • Build resilience to stressful situations by learning to recognize and regulate your body’s responses.

  • Create a felt experience of safety within yourself, regardless of external circumstances.

  • Release trapped emotions and tension in your body, allowing more relaxation and flow.

  • Reclaim your capacity to FEEL FULLY without getting overwhelmed — from sadness and pain to joy and pleasure.

  • Deepen your connection to your body’s wisdom, making more choices that honor your truth and well-being.

  • Use food as an ally by learning how it can increase your capacity to be with intense sensations and recover from stressful situations.

  • Create an empowering relationship with yourself by cultivating habits of listening and compassionate witnessing.

Through the Foundations of

3 Powerful Modalities

Somatic Experiencing

Reconnect With Your Body

Somatic practices help with releasing tension that was stored in the body during stressful and traumatic experiences.

This helps your body complete the natural healing process that was interrupted due to overwhelm, allowing you to move out of a state of near-constant threat and into a state of calm.

Trauma Focused Nutrition

Nourish Your Body

Foods can support your nervous system and adrenals in creating a biochemical state of balance and resilience.

This compliments somatic practices by boosting your capacity to metabolize stress, handle big sensations, and process emotions.

Embodied Parts Work

Befriend Your Body

Parts work invites you to befriend the protective and wounded parts of yourself that formed in response to pain or fear.

By meeting these parts with compassion and understanding, you can shift long-standing patterns of self-sabotage and shame to kindness and self-acceptance.

Together, these create a holistic approach that nurtures the connection of your mind and body, so you can better navigate life’s inevitable surprises.

The Heart of Each Week

Week 1

What Is Trauma & What Is Safety?

Learn to Speak the Language of the Body

Week One of my self-led course begins with walking you into the world of trauma, safety, and the most common misconceptions about them.

Then, you’ll learn the most essential practice - tracking your body.

This means noticing how your body speaks in different ways:

  • How do unpleasant emotions and sensations like anxiety and fear move through you?

  • How does pleasure and safety move through you?

  • How does numbness appear in your body when you go into emotional states or access a memory?

You’ll also learn how to pendulate (shift) from unpleasant to pleasant sensations and begin guiding your body to states of safety.

This allows you to lay down the foundation for the four weeks ahead.

Week 2

The Relationship Between Food & Trauma

Eating For The Nervous System

Week Two we get into the relationship between our food choices and emotional well-being. Foods and food rituals directly affect your nervous system - some stimulate (stress) it, some depress (numb) it, and some balance (regulate) it.

Understanding this gives you a new resource to support your body in processing trauma and returning to a state of peace.

We’ll also explore the emotional roots of cravings and how binge eating or turning to food is often connected to unmet needs within.

This will help you make more conscious, nourishing choices rather than reflexively reaching for foods that don’t serve you.

Week 3

The Somatics of Relationships

How They Can Activate or Regulate

Week Three is about how our bodies respond to our environment: people, animals, activities, spaces, sounds, etc.

Our past experiences shape how we relate to others and feel in different environments, even without realizing it.

You will learn about co-regulation, auto-regulation, and co-dysregulation. These are ways to describe how our bodies feel—whether calm or stressed—when we're with someone or doing something.

By becoming aware of these patterns, you’ll be able to make more conscious choices about where you spend your time, who you spend it with, and which activities truly support you.

Week 4

Self-Regulation & Intuition

Let Your Body’s Wisdom Emerge

Week Four we learn that self-regulation is the capacity, instinct, and confidence to meet stress, anxiety, or fear when it comes up.

This week, you will learn how to guide your body and move through these big sensations without reflexively numbing or distracting yourself.

You'll begin to understand and eventually experience what it's like to let your body's instinct and innate wisdom emerge when you feel stress and overwhelm.

The intention is that you leave this week with foundational tools to guide your body into a state of safety and peace that doesn’t depend on external circumstances.


A wonderfully insightful set of teachings and practices - a complete nugget of gold - delivered with sensitivity, humor, generosity, and a genuine sense warmth.

After twenty years of working with trauma healing in different modalities, this course has been life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone willing to do the work.


— Janny McKinnon

Get A Taste of The First Lesson

What you can
expect inside

4 modules with 10+ hours of content

  • Immersive, easy-to-digest lectures

  • Video and audio exercises where you’ll be invited to feel what you just learned cognitively.

  • Recorded Q&A sessions with the team highlighting the top questions from the course.

  • Demos with students and real-world examples of how to apply the practices.

  • Sound healing sessions to regulate and integrate each module.

You will also receive:

  • 10-part insight-packed email series that supports integration as you go through the material.

  • 20+ resources to deepen your understanding while you’re going through the course.

  • A glossary of somatic terms used throughout the course, such as activation, charge, auto-regulation, and capacity.

  • Access to our referral list of practitioners trained in the 3 modalities.

  • $100 off the LIVE 7-week course which goes into more advanced practices, and has community and 1-on-1 support.

Get Lifetime Access

To meet the growing need for somatic work, I created this self-led course so that people could begin working with their trauma in an affordable way.

At 1/4 the cost of my Live 7 Week Course, I hope this price point keeps this transformative work accessible to anyone who needs it.

You can move through the material on your schedule, and revisit these lessons and practices for life.



until Nov 4th


If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us! We’re happy to help.

The Difference Between the Self-Led & 7-Week Course

The Self-Led Course is great for anyone who wants to get started with Luis’ teachings or refresh their somatic knowledge.

It is designed for people who want more flexibility while learning the foundations of inner safety and trauma healing. You can get started at any time.

The 7-Week Live Course is for people who want to receive more support and commit to a deeper learning experience. It has more content, live practice sessions, personalized guidance, and community access.

It expands on these four weeks of knowledge and goes into more advanced material like subconscious body work and meaning-making.

It only happens twice a year and the next one begins on March 10th.


I find that the more I do this work, the more spacious I feel internally...

As I de-adrenalize my body I begin to feel more calm, grounded, and settled...The notion that my body is perfect and doing exactly what it should be doing, in reaction to what's happening in and around it, is a bit mind-bending...I notice that I'm unhooked from an addiction to adrenaline itself.

— Brigitt Thompson, Author

My name is Luis Mojica.

I’m a somatic therapist and trauma-focused nutritionist.

Before I learned the language of my body, I was overwhelmed by chronic illness, debilitating fear, and near-constant anxiety.

I never thought I’d have the capacity for the path I’m on today: teaching people around the world, running a business, performing music on-stage, being a husband and parent. I may have desired those things, but they were beyond my capacity.

For so long, I lived from a place of constriction. Feeling unsafe, my body would brace against real or perceived threats to protect itself — which led to more overwhelm, numbness, and exhaustion. Like many people, my response to this was self-judgment and shame.

That changed when I finally started listening to my body.

Through somatic experiencing, I came to understand how trauma gets stored in the body and how to release it. Through somatic nutrition, I realized how to support and repair my adrenals and nervous system. Through the language of sensation, I learned how to receive the body’s important messages.

This shared wisdom has led to nourishing and relating to my body in a different way, which in turn has expanded my capacity to include so many things I could not do, imagine, or feel before. Life has become more expansive, more embodied, and more authentic.

As I’ve made friends with the body, I’ve been able to find safety within myself no matter what’s in front of me. Today, when I notice a big fear, anxiety, or sensation arise, I have the resources to meet them with curiosity and acceptance.

Trauma Is Natural

We all have trauma. We all have health scares, and grief, and insecurity, unexpected expenses, too much work and not enough time, kids who worry us, parents who age. None of us are exempt from the realities of living a human life.

Our agency and power come into play when we learn how to relate to trauma differently.

Because trauma isn’t the event that happened to you. It is how that event resonates inside your body now.

This is why this work’s focus isn’t on revisiting the past through talking and intellectualizing. It’s about slowly cultivating a new way of being — where your body no longer perceives the world through the lens of past harm.

It’s self-paced, and beautifully spaced.

Learn and integrate on your own own timeline.

Pace your learning experience and revisit the teachings whenever you need. The beauty of this work is that while it’s meant to be practiced for a lifetime, you can begin feeling its impact in your body within minutes.

Each week’s content will unlock after a 7-day pause, giving you the space to fully integrate, practice, and embody what you’ve learned. This pacing is somatically designed and allows you to move through the material without rushing through.

With short lessons (5-10 minutes each), you can easily complete the weekly content in 3-4 hours, at a rhythm that suits your life.

Get Lifetime Access

  • 8+ hours of recorded short lessons, practices, demos, and Q&As

  • 4 recorded, 25-min sound healing sessions

  • 20+ bonus resources

  • Access to our list of practitioners trained in the 3 modalities.

  • A 10-part insight-packed email series that supports integration as you go through the material.

  • A special discount of $100 for the Live 7-Week Course



until Nov 4th


If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us, we’re happy to help.

You’ll also be learning with

The HLN team:

Evan Glenn Adams

I am a sound healing practitioner who incorporates somatic experiencing and hypnosis into my approach.

During the course, I offer weekly sound healings as a space for you to explore your inner experience and deepen your relationship with your body.

Growing up, I had multiple undiagnosed conditions, including Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, and allergies.

Luis' unique approach to trauma therapy has been eye-opening for me, and I’m excited to share this journey with you.

Marika Malaea

When I'm not running Holistic Life Navigation, you will find me practicing somatics, writing screenplays, and probably eating cheese.

As a self-described freeze queen, what I've learned from Luis has helped me move past being stuck in that forever trauma response and out into a new world of repair, support, self-love, and opportunity.

Befriending my body is the smartest thing I've ever done. In this course, I’m a part of the Q&A sessions.

Camille Leak (she/her)

I'm the Assistant Teacher and Community Manager for this course. I got into trauma healing, facilitation, and community management because I love asking the kinds of questions that help people reach those 'a-ha!' moments. I'm also a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Facilitator.

Throughout the course, I'll be offering additional perspectives during the lectures and participating in the weekly Q&A sessions."


  • This is an understandable and common fear. Because these classes are recorded, you can pace yourself based on your capacity.

    Some people find that they need the support of a professional while taking the course, others just need more time.

    This work doesn't promise safety because each body is different, but it does give you many tools to cultivate your capacity to feel the things inside of you that seem scary and impossible to feel.

  • The program is designed as a foundational look into trauma healing - we don’t go into specific areas, such as sexual trauma, or eating disorders etc.

    But the course itself is a foundation for teaching how we relate to trauma (regardless of what kind) inside of your body.

  • That’s why I got into this work. Somatic work doesn’t need context to the subject matter. It was created to help people who didn’t have context.

    Whether it’s ancestral trauma, intergenerational trauma, pre-verbal trauma, we may not have firm memories, but we do have all the residual symptoms of these events.

    Whether you know about it or not, this course is designed to hold it.

    You will still get the same result - relationship building with that part of you, with or without context.

  • One thing I want to stress is that these 4 weeks are not therapy.

    We’re using some real life material so it will be personal and apply to you absolutely - but if you’re in the midst of some serious hardship or trauma, dealing with daily panic attacks or even suicidal ideation, any kind of edge that feels too overwhelming to handle, I always recommend having someone who can do this with you.

    Whether it’s a partner, a mentor, a therapist, a doctor, or coach.

    If you're new to somatic work, getting in touch with your body can be big and intense. You might want additional support. is where you can find a practitioner to work with 1:1, and many students have worked with a private practitioner while taking the course.

  • Many people who experience dissociation have gone through this course without any problems.

    There is no guarantee of how you will emerge from this space, but you are definitely welcome here.

  • Of course. I felt much the same when I began this work. I like to remember that what trauma equals, is stored threat.

    The state you were in during the event gets stored in your body. When you’re doing this work, you actually begin to feel it, and that can be incredibly scary at first. The course is designed to gently guide you through this process. But, every body is different and we want you to have some safe space you lean on to work with what comes up, one on one, with a partner, friend, or therapist.

    If you’re currently looking for support from a somatic experiencing therapist please visit the directory at

  • No. I am trained Somatic Experiencing Practitioner but these 4-weeks are not therapy.

    They are teachings of the tools I have learned and developed so that you can apply them to your life and your own healing work

  • We offer no refunds, all sales are final.

  • If you have a question that was not answered in the FAQ, please email us at and we will happily assist you.

What are the foundations of inner safety worth to you?

What is peace-of-body-mind-spirit worth?

And what kind of relationship to life do you want to have?

Do you want to approach life from the beauty, clarity, and depth of right now?

Let your answers to these questions be your guide.
