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Sugar-To-Adrenaline Sequence: How Comfort Foods End Up Stressing Us Out [Webinar]

It's no secret that sugar can create a slew of health issues. Weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease are some of the obvious ones. But what about the relationship between sugar and adrenaline? Yes, adrenaline - the same stress hormone that puts you into fight or flight.

This webinar is going to teach you how sugar, a common food we turn to comfort our stress, has the ability to "turn on" your stress response because of the sugar-to-adrenaline sequence (or the S2A).

I'll explain the biology of this, explore the emotions around sugar addiction, and offer you very practical ways to begin avoiding the S2A sequence altogether without having to completely do away with sugar.

April 15

Money Trauma: How Your Body Relates To Finances [Webinar]

May 19

The Link Between Carbs, Sugar, & Your Stress Response [Mini-course]